Browse Items (393 total)

Color photograph of Brian McKay holding a fish by the tail with its head resting on deck. Brian is wearing shorts and no shirt. Other fish on deck around him.

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Brian McKay Aug. 85
24°30" 45 fm

Color photograph of Brian Kitelinger holding up a fish. Brian is wearing shorts, no shirt, and socks with red stripes. "MEDUSA" flotation device behind him.

Written on back:
Brian Kitelinger May 87

Color photograph of Lance Ritchison holding a bug-eyed fish in his left hand. Lance is wearing a gray shirt, yellow rain overalls, and a hat.

Written on back:
March 86 Lance H. Ritchison

Color photograph of Barry Westberry and Ray taken at night. The man with mustache is holding a fish, the other men is wearing yellow rain overalls.

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Barry Westberry + Ray
Feb. 82

Color photograph of man wearing white shirt and jeans watching a fishing line. Man behind him is wearing dark clothes and a hat. They are identified only as Greg and Jay.

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April 85

Color photograph of an unidentified man holding a fish. The man is wearing a yellow rain jacket and knit cap.

Color photograph of Jim Tatum and C.D. Bently on board the Medusa. Both men wear glasses. Reel at right side of image.

Written on back:
Jim Tatum C.D. Bentley
Tampa Bay
On F/V Medusa


Color photograph of Michael Sullivan holding a very small fish from a line in his right hand and larger fish from a line in his left. Michael is wearing a dark colored jacket, tan pants, and white boots.

Written on back:
Jan 81
First commercial…

Color photograph of John Parke holding a long, pointed metal object. John is wearing blue pants, white boots, and no shirt.

Written on back:
John Parke
Contact Rocket 275
24°50" 38FM 12-13-87


Color photograph of Michael Shea holding open the mouth of a fish or shark. Another fish lays on the deck beside it. Michael is wearing jeans, boots, and no shirt.

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Michael Shea
May 84
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