Browse Items (393 total)

Color photograph of Blake Banks holding up a sailfish, dorsal fin up.

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6'11" ~39#
July 91 Sailfish 25°45' 85fm

Color photograph of Blake Banks displaying a red snapper aboard his boat, the Medusa.

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37# Redsnapper
April 85 27°30" 42fm

Color photograph of Blake Banks holding a severed fish's head.

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Whats left of a sharks snack.
1978 60fm

Color photograph of Blake Banks holding a fish nearly as long as he is tall. Blake is wearing a blue shirt, darker blue pants, and white boots. Right edge is cut off.

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May 94 25°00' 80fm

Four color photographs of Blake Banks with a fish on the deck of a boat.

Color photograph of Blake Banks seated in the cabin of the Medusa, navigational equipment around him.

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June 82

Color photograph of Blake Banks holding a fish against the edge of a basin. Blake is wearing a dark colored shirt and gloves.

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Color photograph of Blake Banks on a boat, sweeping off the railing.

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June 75 Bonita Fish Co.
Ft Myers

Color photograph of John Eckleberry (left) and Blake Banks (right) removing sardines from a net.

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Pickin Spanish Sardines
May 1975 West of Ft Myers Beach
Blake Banks
John Eckleberry

Color photograph of Blake Banks holding a black grouper from its head. Blake is wearing dark clothes and white boots.

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Xmas Ridge
March 91
48# Black Grouper
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