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Log book used by Blake Banks while he was the captain of the Medusa. Has a green Florida Commercial sticker with 06-30-87 expiration on the front cover and a red one with 6-30-80 expiration on the back cover.

Log book used by Blake Banks while he was the captain of the Medusa. "LOG" written on binding on front and "F/V MEDUSA 629542" on the back.

Log book used by Blake Banks while he was the captain of the Medusa. Entries dated 1995 to 2000.

Log book used by Blake Banks while he was the captain of the Medusa. Entries dated 1995 to 2000.

White coral. Solid triangular mass with some short, rounded branches protruding from the front. Many branches extending from the top, kind of melded together.

White or cream bivalve shells mottled with varying shades of brown. Ridges radiated from base. 15 count.

Pale gray snail shell with some light brown. Underside white. Interior brown. Hole on side.

Pale pink and white gastropod shell. Long, thin spines on stem and ridges.

Small, temporary exhibit displayed at the Rocky Bluff Library.
6750 US-301
Ellenton, FL 34222


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