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  • Tags: gastropods

Cream colored, most of the shell is darker cream, lightening to white at the tip of the spiral. Fine ridges around bottom and spirals, middle is smooth. Interior pale peach.

Orange and cream striped gastropod shell. Several gray patches. Brown at bottom and on underside. Top of spiral white/gray.

The official state shell of Florida, the Horse Conch (Triplofusus giganteus), is the largest marine gastropod in North…

Mottled gray and white gastropod shell. Dark brown lines around.

Pale orange gastropod shell with white band.

White to very pale pink gastropod shell with spines around the edges.

White to milky white to pale gray gastropod shell. Wide conical shape. Nautilus shape on underside.

Carrier shells belong to a group of marine snails in the family Xenophoridae, a name that comes from Greek and means “bearing foreigners.” If you…

Pale pink gastropod shell with dark brown in crevices.

Oval shape. Pale pinkish/off-white. Ridges radiate from apex. Red accretions. Interior very pale brown.

Oval shape. Light purplish-orange. Ridges radiate from apex. Interior brown.

Mottled shades of brown with white. Pale purple around spiral. Small hole on spiral.
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