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  • Tags: sailfish

Color photograph of Blake Banks holding up a sailfish, dorsal fin up.

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6'11" ~39#
July 91 Sailfish 25°45' 85fm

The sailfish is known for its large, sail-like dorsal fin and its elongated bill (rostrum), similar to that of marlins and swordfish. The sailfish is considered the fastest fish in the ocean, with recorded speeds up to 70 mph. They can grow up to 10…

Color photograph of a sailfish laying on the floor of a boat.

Written on back:
7-6-92 Sailfish 7'8"
caught by Rob West on 60# Test
line 25°00 75fm

Color photograph of Rob West holding a sailfish, dorsal fin not visible.

Written on back:
78" O.A. sailfish
West Dry Tortugas
Rob West
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