Browse Items (8 total)

  • Tags: crustaceans

Color photograph of three spiny lobsters and two other creatures in a line. Hand with wristwatch rests on the center animal.

Written on back:
B. Banks

Color photograph of a small crab (possibly stone crab) with black-tipped claws, next to a quarter.

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Make burrows in sponge which lowers value.
Oct. 88 Sponge Crab

Color photograph of a mantis shrimp laying on a wood surface.

Written on back:
4/00 Mantis Shrimp caught on
piece of cut bait, 250' water, west
of Ft Myers beach, FL. Body 8" long. 1/3

Color photograph of a bluish-black crab.

Written on back:
Aug. 85

Color photograph of a crab with long legs. Hand rests behind it.

Written on back:
Nov 81
100 fm West of Ft Myers

Color photograph of a spiny lobster on a sidewalk, antennae of another lobster visible at left.

Two color photographs of a hermit crab taken February 1988.

.1 - Two hands holding a shell-less hermit crab by its claws.
Written on back:
Hermit Crab
Feb. 88 42FM from horse conch shell 1/2

.2 - Close-up of hermit crab's face/eye…

Color photograph of a spiny lobster. Green hose to left, fish partially visible at upper right.

Written on back:
caught on L.L. 25°35' Nov. 93 46fm
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